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foreign service (美國國務院的)外事處。

foreign settlement

Regulations on administration of foreign - invested construction and engineering design enterprises , the number of foreign service providers ( who have been qualified as certified architects or certified engineers in china ) employed by a wholly foreign - owned engineering design enterprise must not be less than one quarter of the total number of its qualified professional staff of the same grade . the ratio required of sino - foreign joint venture operations is one - eighth 根據《外商投資建設工程設計企業管理規定》第15條,受聘于外商獨資建設工程設計企業的外國服務提供者(已取得中國注冊建筑師或注冊工程師資格)的人數,應當不少于資質分級標準規定的注冊執業人員總數的四分之一;在中外合資、合作經營建設工程設計企業,比率為八分之一。

While hotels & catering , construction companies and real - estate developers are major users of foreign services in the mainland . beijing , shanghai , guangzhou , shenzhen and other more developed mainland cities that are loaded with commercial activities , large - scale , representativelandmark projects and affluent consumers , should be the focus of marketing efforts 酒店與餐飲企業、建筑公司以及房地產發展商都是外資設計服務公司的主要客戶。在北京、上海、廣州、深圳和其他較發達的內地城市,商業活動頻繁,大型房地產發展項目眾多,而且有大量富裕的消費者,因此業者宜主力向這些城市推廣服務。

The dfa , after finding the documents complete and in order , indorses the documents to the philippine foreign service post located at or having consular jurisdiction over the student s country of origin or place of residence for issuance of the student visa after ascertaining the student s identity and admissibility in accordance with dfa regulations 外交部在確認這些文件完全無誤之后,批準給學生的國家或居住地的菲律賓外交辦事處或有領事權的辦事處,在根據外交部的規則判定學生的身份和資格之后,簽發留學生簽證。學生請求在學生國家或居住國之外簽發簽證將不予以理睬。

The land for investment is wide and the price of the land is cheap enough as well as the labour , the foreign service system is complete , the business is flourishing , featured industrial economic area has been formed in the district . these are shifang business and trade zone , jianhua wholesale store , dongfeng bridge store , sanxing business and trade zone , automobile trade centre etc . the district has developed into an industrial zone with the industries of food processing , medicine , chemistry , printing , machinery , electronics etc 區內土地資源充足廉價,勞動力資源豐富,涉外服務體系健全,商業網點遍布,形成了獨具特色的區域型產業經濟帶,商賈云集,區內有十方商貿城建華路批發市場東風橋市場三星商貿城汽貿市場等十余家大型市場,全區經過多年發展,形成了食品加工醫藥化工印刷冶金機械電子電器等優勢產業,為經濟發展奠定了堅實基礎。

Regulations on administration of foreign - invested construction and engineering design enterprises , the number of foreign service providers who have been qualified as certified architects or certified engineers in china employed by a wholly foreign - owned engineering design enterprise must not be less than one quarter of the total number of its qualified professional staff of the same grade . the ratio required of sino - foreign joint venture operations is one - eighth 根據《外商投資建設工程設計企業管理規定》第15條,受聘于外商獨資建設工程設計企業的外國服務提供者(已取得中國注冊建筑師或注冊工程師資格)的人數,應當不少于資質分級標準規定的注冊執業人員總數的四分之一;在中外合資、合作經營建設工程設計企業,比率為八分之一。

According to chapter 4 of the implementing measures of the ministry of construction concerning qualification management under the regulations on administration of foreign - invested construction enterprises , the number of foreign service providers serving as project managers in a foreign - invested construction enterprise must not exceed one - third of the total number of project managers 根據《建設部關于外商投資建筑業企業管理規定中有關資質管理的實施辦法》第四章,在外資建筑業企業擔當項目經理人的外國服務提供者人數,不得超過項目經理人數的三分之一。

Article 16 of the above regulations states that each of the foreign service providers , namely china - certified architects and engineers and key technical personnel employed by a foreign - invested engineering design enterprise must reside within the territory of china for a cumulative period of no less than six months each year 第十六條規定,外商投資建設工程設計企業中,外國服務提供者在中國注冊的建筑師、工程師及技術骨干人員,每人每年在中國境內累計居住的時間應當不少于6個月。

He studied chinese at the university of hong kong from 1960 - 62 and then served as first secretary at the british embassy in peking from 1963 to 1965 . as a chinese scholar , and having left the foreign service for those years , he edited the china quarterly between 1968 and 1974 早于1960 - 62年,衛奕信勛爵便在港大研習中文于1963 - 65年,他被派駐北京大使館任一等秘書1968 - 74年,這位中國通辭去外交職務,擔任中國季刊china quarterly的編輯工作。

He joined the u . s . foreign service in 1980 after graduating with a b . a . degree in english from the college of william and mary in williamsburg , virginia . he speaks mandarin chinese , korean and indonesian . mr . keith has received superior and meritorious honor awards from the department of state 一九八零年他畢業于弗吉尼亞州威廉斯堡的威廉與瑪麗學院,獲得英文學士學位,之后,他加入美國外交界服務,他懂普通話、韓語及印尼語。

Under china s wto commitments , many existing business and geographic restrictions on foreign services providers would be removed . this would give hong kong companies a platform for extending their services to the western region where greater demand is foreseen for a wide range of services 根據中國對入世所作的承諾,現時對外資服務供應商在業務范圍和經營地域的不少限制將予取消,港商的服務也因此可順利擴展至西部地區。

New problems have arisen with the development of knowledge economy , such as copyright , fee charging , foreign service , the protection of mining right and prospecting permits , which necessitate the establishment of regulations for the geologic data service 隨著知識經濟的發展,地質資料服務出現了諸如版權、收費、采礦權與探礦權保護、對外服務等新問題,制定地質資料社會化服務辦法,規范地質資料服務,是社會化服務的必然要求。

Since august 2005 , when visits to an eritrean village prompted him to research global access to artificial light , mark bent , 49 , a former foreign service officer and houston oilman , has spent $ 250 , 000 to develop and manufacture a solar - powered flashlight 自從2005年8月, 49歲的班特走訪厄立垂亞村落,促使他開始研究全球使用人造光,這位前外籍軍官及休士頓石油商,已投入25萬美元開發及制造太陽能手電筒。

In addition to his foreign service postings , mr . keith was a member of the national security council under president bush and assistant to the president and national security advisor brent scowcroft in the asian affairs directorate from 1991 to 1992 另外,九一至九二年間,祁先生任職于國家安全委員會的亞洲事務辦公室;當時國家安全委員會是由布殊總統和總統助理兼國家安全顧問斯考克洛夫特領導。

By the year of 2006 , shanghai foreign service company , the market leader of china , is providing efficient hr services for over 11 , 000 corporate clients in china as well as delicate service and warm care for their 250 , 000 employees 截止到2006年底,上海外服為中國11 , 000多家企業客戶提供人力資源一地總包的高效服務,為企業客戶中23萬名員工提供精細服務和溫暖關懷,在中國市場保持著領先地位。

Most recently ambassador and deputy u . s . permanent representative to the united nations , he served as acting permanent representative from january to september 2001 . ambassador cunningham holds the rank of career minister in the foreign service 在此之前,他曾任美國駐聯合國大使及副常任代表,二零零一年一月至九月間,為署理美國駐聯合國常任代表。

Mr . keith is a career foreign service officer who served three previous tours in the office of chinese affairs at the department of state . he has served in overseas assignments at the u . s . embassies in beijing , jakarta and seoul 祁先生為職業外交官,他三度在美國國務院屬下的中國事務辦公室工作,并曾任職于美國駐北京、雅加達及漢城的美國大使館。

The democratic leader in the house says what is at stake is the separation of powers established under the 1978 foreign service intelligence act , which gave congress the authority to decide the terms under which intelligence collection can take place 眾議院議長佩洛西說,她確信拖延這項法律不會讓國家在遭受恐怖分子襲擊方面面臨更大的風險。

Chapter 4 of the above measures also states that the foreign service providers employed by a foreign - invested construction enterprise must reside on the mainland for a cumulative period of at least three months a year 上述辦法的第四章又訂明,外資建筑業企業雇用的外國服務提供者,必須每人每年在中國內地累計居住最少3個月。

Scholastic records duly authenticated by the philippine foreign service post located at or having consular jurisdiction over his country of origin or place of residence ; and 他的國家或居住地的菲律賓外交辦事處和有領事權的辦事處的鑒定的學生成績表;和